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Vacuum Suction Cup Kit

Vacuum Suction Cup Kit

Explore Rich Opportunities for Fitting in Tight Spaces

Vacuum Suction Cup Kit

Main Features

Designed to perfectly fit tight spaces

Different suction cup sizes (φ4mm, φ8mm, φ 13mm, φ16mm)

Able to pick up items of multiple sizes, shapes, materials, and weights

A practical solution for packaging, palletizing, pick-and-place, assembly, and machine tending applications


Model Two-finger gripper Four-finger gripper
Air tube dimension 4 mm 4 mm
Suction cup 4 mm, 8 mm, 13 mm, 16 mm 4 mm, 8 mm, 13 mm, 16 mm
Weight 120 g 160 g
Size (Length*Width) 100 mm* 30 mm 100 mm* 100 mm


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