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ROBOTIQ 2F-85 & 2F-140

ROBOTIQ 2F-85 & 2F-140

ROBOTIQ 2F-85 & 2F-140 grippers are equipped with a pair of 2-jointed fingers (each finger has 2 phalanges). This kind of grip can make contact with an object at up to five points (two points on each phalanx and the palm). The fingers are underactuated, which means they have fewer motors than the total number of joints. This configuration allows the fingers to automatically adapt to the shape of the object being grasped, simplifying the control of the gripper.

Product Highlights

  • Plug and play for easy programming
  • High grip force, payload and accuracy
  • Deploys a patented finger design enables both internal and external parallel gripping, as well as a unique encompassing grip mode
  • Accurate and tough, pick up soft, fragile and deformable parts
  • Internal and external position feedback, detecting whether parts are picked up


  • Machine tending
  • Assembly
  • Pick & place
  • Quality testing

Software Requirement

DobotStudio Pro V2.3.0 or higher

SCStudio Android 4.8.0 or higher

SCStudio iOS 2.9.0 or higher

Dobot+ Plug-in

Including Robotiq-2F 85


  2F-85 2F-140
Stroke 85 mm 140 mm
Max Recommended Payload 5 kg 2.5 kg
Grip Force 20 - 235 N 10 - 125 N
Gripper Weight 0.9 kg 1 kg
Current 24 V, 0.8 A

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