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Jodell Robotics EPG Series Electric Gripper

Jodell Robotics EPG Series Electric Gripper

Jodell Robotics EPG Series Electric Gripper is IP65 rated and has the highest level of protection. With a maximum stroke of 50 mm, it is a modular electric gripper that supports installation from 4 sides and network connectivity.

Product Highlights

  • Extra-wide stroke
  • Accurate force
  • Drop detection
  • Capture feedback
  • Auto lock at power loss
  • Low maintenance
  • IP65 rated


  • Consumer electronics
  • Automotive
  • Electronic appliances
  • Precision manufacturing
  • Medical devices
  • Education

Software Requirement

DobotStudio Pro V2.3.0 or higher

SCStudio Android 4.8.0 or higher

SCStudio iOS 2.9.0 or higher

Dobot+ Plug-in



Model EPG26-006 EPG26-015 EPG40-050 EPG50-060 EPG40-100 EPG50-100
Adjustable Stroke 0 - 26 mm 0 - 26 mm 0 - 40 mm 0 - 50 mm 0 - 40 mm 0 - 50 mm
Max Force on Single Side 1 - 6 N 1 - 15 N 2 - 50 N 2 - 60 N 40 - 100 N 40 - 100 N
Opening/Closing Time 0.3 s 0.3 s 0.5 s 0.65 s 0.8 s 1.1 s
*Recommended Payload 0.1 kg 0.3 kg 0.8 kg 1 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Drop detection support Yes
Product Weight 0.2 kg 0.25 kg 0.4 kg 0.8 kg 0.44 kg 0.53 kg
IP Rating IP40 IP40 IP40 / IP65 IP40 IP40 IP40
Maximum Current 0.85 A 0.85 A 0.85 A 1.5 A 0.85 A 0.6 A
Rated Current 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.4 A 0.25 A
Vertical Net Payload Fz 100 N 150 N 200 N 200 N 200 N 200 N
Slider X-axis Net Torque Mx 0.8 N.m 1.2 N.m 2 N.m 2.5 N.m 2 N.m 2.5 N.m
Slider Y-axis Net Torque My 0.6 N.m 0.9 N.m 1.5 N.m 2 N.m 1.5 N.m 2 N.m
Slider Z-axis Net Torque Mz 0.5 N.m 0.55 N.m 2 N.m 2.8 N.m 2 N.m 2.8 N.m
International Standards CE、RoHS
Position Accuracy ±0.02 mm


*Depending on the shape of the object and friction created on its contacting surface, gripper’s payload may be affected by the object’s center of gravity. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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