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Kunwei KWR75B

Kunwei KWR75B

The KWR75B 6-axis force sensor is a highly integrated force sensor with built-in high precision electric circuits which can measure and export forces and torque data in orthogonal axes. The sensor has excellent reliability and consistency.

Product Highlights

  • 6-axis joint calibration to sufficiently supresses interferences.
  • Built-in high precision data collection and calculation system.
  • Made with aircraft grade alloy with high overload, durability and sensitivity.


  • Force control scenarios in various industries.
  • Widely used in drag-to-teach, automated testing, medical testing, safety protection, vehicle testing, consumer electronics testing, cutting and polishing and in the aviation sector.

Software Requirement

DobotStudio Pro V2.3.0 or higher

SCStudio Android 4.8.0 or higher

SCStudio iOS 2.9.0 or higher

Dobot+ Plug-in

Includes ForceTorqueSenor


Payload Range Fx/Fy/Fz   200N   Mx/My/Mz   8N·m
Minimum Resolution 0.03% FS
Product Weight 0.28 kg


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