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FF220 Flexible Feeder

FF220 Flexible Feeder

The DOBOT FF220 Flexible Feeder simplifies the feeding process to achieve feeding automation, solving the problem of difficult loading of metal sheet parts and irregular parts in the manufacturing industries. It supports quick switching of production lines and meets the flexible production needs of small batches and multiple varieties.

Product Highlights

  • The feeder has strong adaptability and is suitable for feeding small and medium-sized parts in most scenarios. It supports quick switching of production lines for different product types.
  • The feeding is gentle and without noise pollution.
  • Fast vibration speed with accurate parts positioning.
  • High reliability and long service life.
  • Easily integrated and deployed.


  • Suitable for the feeding of small and medium-sized parts in industries such as metal processing and consumer electronics.


FF220 Flexible Feeder
Exterior Dimensions 316 mm × 171 mm × 131 mm 
Pick-up Window Dimensions 195 mm × 150 mm × 105 mm 
Typical Part Size 2 to 40 mm
Dimensions of Mounting Holes 301 mm × 125 mm × φ6.6 mm
Weight of Feeder and Backlight Panel 8 kg
Maximum Payload of Pick-up Window 0.5 kg
Vibration Surface Amplitude G ± 3 mm
Maximum Displacement of Vibration Plate  2-3-2
最大振动频率    100Hz (configurable) Maximum Vibration Frequency 100 Hz (configurable)
Vibration Height Limit for Suspension Products 50 mm
Backlight Color White
Communication Interface for Test Software Standard RS-232 Serial Port
External Trogger Mode Triggered by passive I/O
Linear Vibration Feeder
Weight 8 kg
Exterior Dimensions 270 mm × 90 mm × 202 mm
Voltage 220V (50 to 220V)
Frequency 50 to 80Hz
Payload 3 kg
Control Method V/F control
Docking Method 16 mm aviation plug
Transmission Method High-frequency inductor coil
Controller Type Dedicated electromagnetic controller
Hopper Fixing Method Screws
Grounding Method Grounding Method
Input Cable Spec 3 mm × 0.5 mm × 1200 mm
Volume 1 L


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