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Loading and Unloading of CNC Machine Tools by CR Cobot

Customer pain points:

It is necessary to solve the problem of ample space and poor safety of industrial robot solutions.

Fast product iteration and various product models.


CR series collaborative robots are used to load and unload CNC machine tools in the production line. The end of the robot arm is equipped with a pneumatic three-jaw gripper, interacting with the IO signal of the finishing lathe. It is used to perform the automation of the workpiece, from material transportation to the automatic picking, precise material change on the lathe fixture, and control the lathe to start processing and complete the loading and unloading. Using the CR robot, IO is used to interact with the signal between the lathe and the feeding chain. After the feeding chain receives the material, it is accurately picked onto the lathe processing fixture for the lathe to start processing. When the processing is completed,the operator takes it out and puts it back into the loading and unloading area.

Customer values:

Robots significantly save the labor force, reducing the pressure on companies to switch workers for more sophisticated tasks.

Product advantages:

The installation requirements are low with the interactive interface that is easy to understand. Compared with traditional robots, collaborative robots do not need to change the existing production line layout.

The DOBOT SafeSkin innovative technology deployed in the solution showcases a unique collision detection feature. The robotic arm does not need to reduce the speed in advance, which maximizes efficiency while ensuring safety.

* Die oben bereitgestellten Daten stellen die Testergebnisse, die vom Dobot Laboratory unter bestimmten Testbedingungen erworben wurden, und können geringfügige Abweichungen im Vergleich zu tatsächlichen Anwendungsszenarien aufweisen.

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