
Die Roboter von Dobot können eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben noch effizienter ausführen. Mehr erfahren
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Visual inspection of electronic control board

Customer Pain Points:

Manual inspection of high density circuit boards is prone causes visual fatigue, resulting in high error rate and low efficiency.

Traditional automation is not flexible enough to adapt to the needs of small batch and flexible production.


The M1 Pro is equipped with a high-resolution camera to scan for production defects on irregular shaped PCBs. It searches for scratches, exposed copper, welding spots and misplaced components. The robot can identify unqualified products quickly based on the system’s noise reduction, augmentation and deep learning algorithms. The M1 Pro is flexible to deploy, simple in programming, and can quickly switch production to meet the needs of small-batched, and production in variation.

Value Proposition:

Replaces 2 workers, and increase efficiency by 40%.

Enables mixed-line production with 99% accuracy.

Product Highlights:

The M1 Pro uses an all-in-one body design with the advantages of plug-and-play and flexible deployment. In addition, the M1 Pro is compatible with a wide range of visual, pneumatic, and electric end effectors which allows users to quickly integrate a variety of application scenarios.

Choose The Right robot for you

* Die oben bereitgestellten Daten stellen die Testergebnisse, die vom Dobot Laboratory unter bestimmten Testbedingungen erworben wurden, und können geringfügige Abweichungen im Vergleich zu tatsächlichen Anwendungsszenarien aufweisen.

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