Car Spoiler Polishing

Customer Pain Points:

Car spoilers have uneven sections that are difficult to polish manually and may need to be polished multiple times.

It is labor intensive and produces a lot of dust, which may cause workplace injuries and is harmful to workers’ health.


This solution consists of a CR10 robot, a 6-axis force sensor and a polishing head. They are suitable for polishing the uneven sections of car spoilers. The robot comes with force sensing and adaptive compensation technology, allowing closed-loop control of target and automatic position adaption. The polishing head can apply equal force to ensure smooth polished surfaces.

Value Proposition:

Replaces 2 workers.

Increases efficiency by 30%.

Reduce workplace injuries.

Consistent quality.

Payback period <12 months.

Product Highlights:

The CR series full-perception technology integrates vision, force control, and voice control into one. It can quickly apply data from the force sensor for precise force controlling when polishing curved surfaces. It ensures a higher quality and consistency of resulting products.

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