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Automatic Sorting of Cut Synthetic Board

Customer Pain Points:

Manual sorting is inefficient and prone to errors.

Traditional automation equipment lacks flexibility and is hard to redeploy afterwards.


This solution consists of a CR10 collaborative robot and a board cutter. The board cutter first cuts the boards into different sizes, then the robot sorts and places them into different rack locations. The end tip of the robot uses a combination of grippers to grab all the cut boards at once and place them one by one, this greatly increases production efficiency.

Value Proposition:

Replaces 2 workers.

Increases efficiency by 30%.

99% sorting accuracy.

Payback period <12 months.

Product Highlights:

The CR10 collaborative robot has a working radius of 1300 mm that satisfies tasks that require long reach.

The CR series is easy to use. It can integrate various kinds of automation sorting solutions quickly.

Choose The Right robot for you

* Die oben bereitgestellten Daten stellen die Testergebnisse, die vom Dobot Laboratory unter bestimmten Testbedingungen erworben wurden, und können geringfügige Abweichungen im Vergleich zu tatsächlichen Anwendungsszenarien aufweisen.

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