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Carbon Steel Fillet Weld

Customer Pain Points:

High workplace injury occurrence leads to welding related jobs to be unpopular, making recruitment difficult.

Dirty and poor working condition is physically demanding for workers.


The CR5 is placed at a low surface where it carries out welding tasks on the ground. This can save labors from having to bend down which is more physically demanding.

Value Proposition:

Labors having to bend down may mean they are more prone to strain injuries on their bodies. Placing the certain welding materials on the ground means that labors can work on other tasks at other places. This helps to improve their work productivity.

Product Highlights:

The CR Series cobots are flexible and simple to deploy, allowing it to be the ideal choice for welding in various industries.


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* Die oben bereitgestellten Daten stellen die Testergebnisse, die vom Dobot Laboratory unter bestimmten Testbedingungen erworben wurden, und können geringfügige Abweichungen im Vergleich zu tatsächlichen Anwendungsszenarien aufweisen.

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