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Wanna Control DOBOT Magician on Livestreaming? Sign up for live DOBOT Magician Webinar at 10:15-11:15 local (Amsterdam) time, on May 19th

#Company · May 14, 2020

On May 19th, 10:15 - 11:15 local (Amsterdam) time, the Vocational Education Consortium (Dutch: Het Consortium Beroepsonderwijs) will hold a live webinar about DOBOT Magician. 

At the webinar, the guests will talk about how the DOBOT Magician combined with the coordinate board can fill a major role in STAEM education and how it can be implemented in their regular school settings. Also, they will INVITE THE VIEWERS to CONTROL the DOBOT Magician by sending direct chat messages! It will be an instructive experience and lots of fun!

Join the live webinar: 
Check out the teaser:

TIPS: the whole live webinar will be conducted in Dutch & English.



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