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Basic AI Kit for Magician

Basic AI Kit for Magician

Entry-level Learning Kit for Artificial Intelligence

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Creating Robust Interactive Learning Environment for Students

As an entry-level learning suite for AI, Basic AI Kit for DOBOT Magician features Arduino Mega 2560 control board, LED indicator, joystick, switch button, and voice and visual recognition modules. We provide plentiful courses to help students handle the robot arm via programming and easily get the basic knowledge of AI, thus cultivating their innovative thinking and developing a creative robotic culture.

Basic AI Kit for Magician

Explore Machine Intelligence via Human-machine Interaction

Abundant electronic modules include a programmable control board, various sensors, voice, and visual recognition. Control the lights and DOBOT Magician by button, joystick, and voice recognition to help students explore artificial intelligence in every aspect.

Smart Play Technology in Open Source Electronic Platform

Compatible with Mixly, Arduino-related peripheral sensors, and others, Open Source Electronic Platform supports secondary development controlled by Arduino. The innovative technologies inspire students in the open-source software and hardware platform to create independent projects and gain new knowledge in programming.

Becoming a Creative Problem-Solver in Engineering

Building a Dobot remote controller using programming can turn students' creative ideas into reality and help them learn circuits and programming at the same time.

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DfRduino mega2560 V3(compatible with arduino mega 2560 )
Microcontroller ATmega2560
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) 7V - 12V
Input Voltage(range) 6V - 20V
Digital I/O Pins 54 (of which 15 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins 16 I/O
DC Current per I/O Pin 50 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 256 KB of which 4KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed 16M Hz
Pixy CUMcam5
Processor NXP LPC4330, 204MHz, dual-core
Image Sensor Omnivision OV9715, 1/4", 1280x800
Image Sensor: 75 degrees horizontal, 47 degrees vertical
Lens Type standard M12 (several different types available)
Power Consumption 140 mA
Power Input USB Input (5V) or unregulated input (6V to 10V)
RAM 264 K bytes
Flash 1M bytes
Available Data Outputs UART serial, SPI, I2C, USB, digital, analog
Size 2.1" x 1.75" x 1.4"
Digital Button Module
Keycap Color Red, Green, Blue
Supply Voltage 3.3V - 5V
Data type Digital
Size 22 mm x 30 mm
LED Module
Color Red, Green, Blue
Brightness 2500 mcd to 3300 mcd Highlight output
Voltage 3.3V - 5V
Wavelength 520 nm - 530 nm
Angle 80°- 110°
Size 30 mm x 20 mm
Weight 5 g
Power Requirements +3.3 - 5V
Interface Mode PH2.0-3
Analog output 2 axes (X, Y)
Number Key Output 1 (Z-Axis)
Dimensions 37 mm x 25 mm x 32 mm
Weight 5 g
Voice Module (English)
Local Speech Recognition Working Voltage 3.3 - 5V
Working Current 3.3V:25-26.5mA,80mA@playing;5V:25-26.5mA,130mA@playing
Working Temperature 0-85 ℃
Identification Items 22
Built-in microphone omnidirectional, SNR: 55d, sensitivity min = -43dB, typical = -40, max = -37dB
Size 40 * 20 mm
Weight 5 g
  • User Manual

* Die oben bereitgestellten Daten stellen die Testergebnisse, die vom Dobot Laboratory unter bestimmten Testbedingungen erworben wurden, und können geringfügige Abweichungen im Vergleich zu tatsächlichen Anwendungsszenarien aufweisen.

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